Lo Doc Equipment Loans

Are you newly self-employed? Recently started a business but need equipment or machinery to get your business off the ground?

Catch is, it’s highly likely that you’ll be unable to supply the historical financial documents necessary to secure a loan for equipment or machinery.

If that’s the case, speak to EquipmentFinancing.net.au today! We have access to a range of providers offering lo doc equipment finance at competitive rates.

Why Do I Need A Lo Doc Loan?

Generally financiers require two years of personal and business tax returns to support your loan application. This is often not possible if you’re newly self-employed at the time you wish to apply for equipment finance.

At EquipmentFinancing.net.au our providers of lo doc loans have more flexible documentation and income verification requirements allowing you to avoid unnecessary red tape.

Why Choose EquipmentFinancing.net.au?

Low Rates

Easy Online Application

FREE Machinery Sourcing Consultant

Fast Approvals

How To Apply For A Lo Doc Equipment Loan

Applying for equipment finance needn’t be complicated or time consuming.

Apply online today or contact EquipmentFinancing.net.au today and talk to one of our equipment loan experts. We are proud to offer variable and tailored lending solutions, extremely competitive interest rates and a rapid approval process.

If you would like to talk to an Equipment Loan specialist please call 1300 256 267
